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PhD in Law, Geneva University , UK universities


Hey guys .

Any body knows about doing a PhD in law in Geneva University ? Does any body know about the tuition fee and cost of living there ? Also is it possible to write the thesis in English instead of French ?

How long does it take to get admission for a PhD from an English University ? Does any body know abut the quality of teaching in Bristol and Birkbeck University ?

Thanks for your help


With regard to the Geneva questions - consult the website and admissions contacts.

Admission to a PhD programme does not take long (usually between 1-2 months).

Bristol and Birkbeck are both excellent universities, with great law departments. Bristol is particularly highly-regarded.

If you are doing a PhD - you need not concern yourself with the quality of the teaching in the dept - as you won't be getting any. :-)


======= Date Modified 21 Aug 2008 10:07:21 =======
To echo the previous comment teaching quality isn't all that important for PhD student but to assess a UK university you can look at the RAE (research assessment exercise) score the last assessment for universities was in 2001 however there is another one due out for 2008 but I have no idea when that is coming out. So that link might give you some information on the universities you mentioned 8-)