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Please recommend good books on the PhD and Research process


Happily, I've been offered a place on a PhD starting in September.

I'd like to be as prepared as possible for when I actually start, and a lot of things I hear PhD students talk about are still something of a mystery to me.

Can anyone recommend any good books (or other media) that deal with the whole process of research, thesis writing and so on? Although I'm obviously happy to have been accepted, at the moment it is all looking a trifle daunting!

Many thanks.


I am sure others will chime in with books and other resources in line with the more generic advice about successfully completing a PhD.

However this blog I am going to recommend is STELLAR for little tid bits that will make your life easier. For example, her blog post about writing up your Literature Review is the best I have seen and is already making my life easier. If you are an aspiring academic, all the better because this chick is also a professor and a mom. So tons of advice here, do yourself a favor and comb through her entire blog.

Oh and good luck!



On the website front, I'd also recommend Thesis Whisperer:


BTW Fled, I'd not come across that blog you posted before - it's really really good! Thanks for sharing it.


You are most welcome HazyJane, I'm also appreciating the information on thesiswhisperer, good find, thank you!


This book is very good: The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research by Marian Petre & Gordon Rugg, Open University Press, 2010

Also this: How to Write a Thesis by Rowena Murray


Though before you spend a lot of money on books, check whether
1. the uni does training courses to support you with these things and
2. If the careers departments holds copies of said books.


Oh yeah, each book is about 20 pounds but I like books so I like to have my own copy :)


Thanks for all the replies!

I'm still considering the options; good to know there's a lot of stuff out there!


Quote From Ultra:
Happily, I've been offered a place on a PhD starting in September.

I'd like to be as prepared as possible for when I actually start, and a lot of things I hear PhD students talk about are still something of a mystery to me.

Can anyone recommend any good books (or other media) that deal with the whole process of research, thesis writing and so on? Although I'm obviously happy to have been accepted, at the moment it is all looking a trifle daunting!

Many thanks.

How to get a PhD, Open University, Phillips and Pugh - very good book


I know one of the service that provides guidelines and processes in regards to thesis and dissertation, I tried them for my bachelor's research paper for my management course and was quite satisfied .. have it a look.. it might be a good help for you. here it is ...