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Anyone have any idea what happens if you get pregnant while doing your phd. Do you get maternity leave/ extra money or anything???


think u can change status to part-time. It also depends if you have a studentship or u pay your own fees


I'm not an expert on this issue, but I know that my supervisor finished her last draft of her Dr. Thesis 4 days before she gave birth to her baby. So it's possible to be pregnant as well as being a full-time student if you want. Anyway, good for you to have a lovely baby (if this is real, sorry, I don't know)


if you are funded by a research council (studenship) you should be able to check with them. In general most studentships allow for a 3 months paid leave but not much else. My advice would be to try and time it to your last year when you are mainly writing up - thats if you are not already pregnant! If you are then Congratulations ;o)

It depends on the funding body, but most UK research councils will be similar. The BBSRC states that

    "Up to four months paid maternity leave is allowed without abatement of the stipend, and, if required, the studentship will be extended by a commensurate period. BBSRC will be as flexible as possible in considering changes in the circumstances of the studentship when the student is ready to return."

They also offer 10 days paternity leave during the first 3 months after birth to fathers. Allowances for dependant children are only available to lone parents (around £2000 for one child or £3000 for those with 2 or more children). Links to individual research council web pages can be found in the links section of this site. Check for the specific terms of each research council.