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Quitting at the final hurdle


For the last 3.5 years I've been working solidly on my PhD and it's finally coming to an end, but with just a few months to go I'm finding myself struggling with absolutely crippling writers block. I know my subject area pretty well, but for some reason I just can't put pen to paper in any meaningful way and organise my thoughts coherently. I've got bits and pieces of chapters done, but none of the are complete.

It's getting to the point where I'm now pretty sure that I won't be able to complete my PhD within the 4 year deadline, which will mean that I fail to get my PhD. I've spoken to my supervisor, but he just keeps saying you'll be surprised at what you can do in the time left. I just don't know what to do. It feels like I'm flogging a dead horse and expecting it to move.

I'm pretty sure i don't want to stay in academia anymore, but I'm terrified, because academia is all I know, and how can I explain to any future employer that I quit my PhD after nearly 4 years? I feel like I've ruined my life and I don't know how to get things back on track.


First thing, sorry to hear this. If you browse this forum you will see that everyone has a different journey and often it is a complicated one. Take heart from knowing that your situation is not unique and can be overcome.

Suggestions: would say that your supervisor does have a point, even if it is being expressed a bit flippantly. The fact is that you can try your best to get something submitted and go from there. The key is to get something submitted. Seems you have worked hard in the past 3.5 years and know your stuff. Now is the time to trust yourself.

How many chapters do you have to do, and what percentage is each one complete right now?


I felt like that for the longest time, it was awful. How much have you written so far and how much is left to do? If you don't finish in 4 years are you sure there's no possibility of getting more time? I know they're clamping down on people taking too long but it's better for your institution to have you finish in a little over 4 years than to fail. If it's not possible to have more time, could you formally suspend your studies for a few months and come back to pick up the remaining time later? You could be working on the thesis all the while.

Have you tried doing other things, besides writing, to help break through the mental block? I found breaking down my argument into a list of steps helped me organise my thoughts and see the bigger picture. Also talking to a voice recorder was easier than staring at a screen.


Have you considered going on a writing retreat. Either on your own with no access to internet, phone, tv etc. to distract you or to an organised one? I was at a seminar a few weeks ago where this was being discussed and it had a very positive outlook with people writing massive amounts over a three day period.

You stay in a hotel, have scheduled writing periods where you are encourage to write for a period of time and then have a break, you are encouraged to write anything to get your work flowing. Researchers also use them to finish projects. I was very impressed with the seminar, its maybe something you should consider.

Good luck and keep going!


It sounds like you are dividing your mental focus across all of your chapters at once, which is probably why you have writer's block. Focus on getting a chapter to completion, then move onto the next one. Rinse and repeat until you have a complete thesis draft. Then you are well on the way to finishing.


Well I can suggest you something that I did when I was writing and I felt it helped me really well. I took turns of about 1-2 hours of writing followed by watching my favorite TV show. this way I kept on cooling my head. Though, I know some people do not want any diversions during writing but you can try. It need not to be a show, you can do pretty much whatever you enjoy!