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Should I tell my new supervisor why I want to change to supervisor?


My old supervisor plagiarized my work and I decided to get a new supervisor. To keep long story short, should I tell the new supervisor the reason why I wanted to change supervisor?

The school is quite tight knit so I guess the new supervisor would know by now of my current situation. I just don't know how to approach him at the moment.

Many thanks for the advice.


Are you absolutely sure that this is the case, before you go down the route of accusing your supervisor in a tight-knit environment? If so, then you clearly need to act. My suggestion would be get the proof, then take it to your personal tutor or director of studies, and let them deal with it and find an alternative. I personally would not approach your scurrent, or intended new, supervisor. Good luck, what a tricky situation !



I wouldn't tell your new supervisor why you wanted to change supervisor. It is more than likely that your old supervisor has had a quiet word with your new supervisor. But I think it's best to just let this go. Sometimes supervisors and PhD students fall out. Everyone knows that. I think if you go in there trying to prove you are right and your supervisor was wrong it'll only cause even more hassle. Lecturers tend to cover each others' backs. Best to just keep your head down and get out of there as soon as possible with your PhD.


Quote From happyclappy:
Are you absolutely sure that this is the case, before you go down the route of accusing your supervisor in a tight-knit environment? If so, then you clearly need to act. My suggestion would be get the proof, then take it to your personal tutor or director of studies, and let them deal with it and find an alternative. I personally would not approach your scurrent, or intended new, supervisor. Good luck, what a tricky situation !

That's what I'd do, although I'm so grateful I didn't end up in such a situation. Good luck and keep us posted.



As you said the school is tight knit, i would take a step back and think before talking about your previous supervisor to new one and as said in previous post if u do not have proof at this moment, its better you don't badmouth him/her.
I come from a similar school, believe me if faculty is close to one another they talk and you may never know those two might be close.