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slow writing


Does anyone else out there feel like a loser because they only write 2-3 hours a day? I've had the whole week to do nothing but write, and I've only written 12 pages this whole week! I feel like a loser because I only write 3 pages a day. The rest of the day I do laundry, surf the internet, watch t.v. etc....I just feel like an unmotivated loser b/c I hear about people who write 10 hours a day.


It doesn't sound like you're that slow to me! I've worked solidly all week (yes, am one of those 10 hours a day people) and have written 18 pages this week - so you're doing OK getting a few pages a day done on 3 hours writing. Are they good pages? Are your supervisors happy with the progress you're making? Depending on what stage of your thesis you're up to though, you will have to increase your hours and treat the PhD like a full-time job. Are you lacking motivation? There's been lots of tips here on how to motivate - break tasks down, set your hours, take breaks, have rewards etc etc. And above all, don't compare yourself to others - it'll make you feel bad, and that's really demotivating.

Good luck!


Thank you. They are good pages, but I'm having a hard time treating it like a full time job like you mentioned. But at least I'm progressing, I guess. Slowely but surely...

Thanks again for the encouragign words.


From a person who writes 6000 words in a day and a half to not a single word in a fortnight, I personally feel, daily writing, weekly targets and similar depend on your individual style.

Doubtless, it is a noble goal. But doesnt ever work for me. I write almost every week, and when I do, I write in gushes. And then there can be some weeks of soaking in stuff (from seminars, readings, project work and similar) and suddenly a spark of an idea or an entire argument revised and again a gush of fresh writing...