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Social Media education - advice sought

Hello. As part of my Masters I am looking at Social Media as an effective learning tool for Health Professional in General Practice. I want to prove that a Facebook resource I've created has an educational function which can enhance clinical learning. I'd appreciate any help with evaluating/measuring efficacy of such a resource. Any thoughts re. research methodology etc? THANKS



My Masters was in this area. If you have access to learners to test it on, action research is the methodology I used with a mixture of surveys and semi-structured interviews for evaluation. I also used web analytics to generate other data. Does that help?

Yes this helps thank you!!!
I was thinking semi-struc. interviews, need to look into action research more though....
Have web analytics covered. Is yours published anywhere?


As I remember, Kemmis is the guru on action research, I think I referred to him a lot. Worth looking up, I think he has a website that was useful. Published? Sadly not. I didn't try to, mostly because I got part-funding from my employer to do it, and whilst the research was helpful to my particular college the findings weren't exactly earth shattering or useful anywhere else I'd have thouhgt.

Thanks!! :-)


No worries!