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Some advice on conference papers, slightly confused!


Hello everyone!- I've been looking through some past posts about this, but I cant seem to get it clear in my head. I have to present a 'paper' at a social sciences conference soon; the paper is not for publication as it is a strictly small-scale PhD affair, and papers will not be circulated beforehand. My question is: What exactly am I meant to be doing? Should I just prepare a 20 mins presentation on my subject, or should I actually write the paper and then come up with a presentation as well? It just seems slightly pointless to spend my time writing a paper no-one will read, and I ask because my paper is really an ongoing work in progress which will probably need further fieldwork to make it complete...Any advice very gratefully received, as always..


Not sure what you mean by 'strictly small scale', but wouldn't your supervisor have given you a direction on this?


Hello- by small scale I mean that it is only one day, it will probably just be attended by members of our department and not other depts, universities etc. I have tried asking people, sups etc., but am still not sure.


I would just write an abstract (so it can be put on the website or the welcome notes for the guests); and prepare a presentation for however long your given slot is.


ah ok, so it almost sounds like a regular journal club meeting except you're going to talk about your own research thus far.


That sounds like good advice 404, thank you. I think it is fairly informal and just an opportunity for departmental staff to talk with each other and stuff, so that should be okay. Thanks again.


Posted last message before I read the last one!- yes, its mainly discussing our research and there will be no formal submissions of papers, hence my confusion. Thanks for your commments