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sports nutrition and supplementation to imporve performance abroab. Doe anyone know about anywhere that does PhD in these topics


Hi There
I'm looking to do my PhD in sports nutrition and supplementation in Texas,Illinois or Australia. Does anyone know who would be the best person to contact and how I would be able to go about getting funding, as you know doubt know that it is a very expensive task. I would love to work along side Dr Ivy at the university of Texas, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm just finished my masters in sports nutrtion from the university of Glasgow, my disseration being in the effect of high carbohydrate diets of high and low glycaemic foods on substrate metabolism and prolonged endurance performance. So if there is anyone out there I would be more than greatful for your advise.


have you tried contacting that persons department and asking about opportunties, there is no harm in dropping the a email to ask,


when i was looking for my PhD i emailed all the people i would like to work with and found my PhD that way rather than applying for advertised posts.


Hi, I'm looking to do a BSc in Medieval Business in Bavaria, Ohio or Kent. Please advise


Perhaps I should add that I would love to work along side Dr Paul McKenna from Scotland.


I know Amanda Huggenkiss from the University of South Carolina that you might be interested in.


I thought Prof Huggenkiss had taken a chair at Belford


No I think you're thinking of Dr Jacques Strap.