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Statistics Help!


======= Date Modified 11 Jun 2011 11:54:41 =======
OK, I'm coming to the end of my PhD and have been held up on two counts. Lack of feedback as regards my work and lack of knowledge and help as regards statistics. My data was collected over a year ago and I've constantly hinted and said to my supervisors that I need help with statistics. Eventually... help was offered but in my opinion either my supervisor lacks an understanding of statistics, teaching statistics, or is so socially awkward that working in close proximity proved extremely difficult to say the least. I learned nothing in the very short time we worked together. My supervisor seemed very embarrassed and kept making mistakes and I became embarrassed and was glad to escape after a very short time.

At this level would I be allowed to pay someone to teach me what aspects I don't know. I wouldn't want or expect them to do the work for me but I need to learn and do this stuff.

I teach stats. to be honest although you could pay someone to help you, there's no gurantee they'll be any good. There are PhD students offering tutoring in my department and quite frankly, their knowledge is not up to scratch in a lot of areas.

I'd sit down with a good textbook (Andy Field's book if in social sciences), and go through it - he also does podcasts. It would only take a few days to get proficient at the specific tests *you* need (there's no point in learning every aspect of stats if you don't use any other tests.


Thanks Sneaks. I've managed to teach myself enough to answer most of the questions but am struggling with one test. I've looked at a number of books (including Field) and am still struggling but this could be down to sheer panic and not being able to think straight.


======= Date Modified 11 Jun 2011 21:48:18 =======
Good luck - that's a right nightmare! You have all my sympathies and congrats as it's amazing to teach yourself especially as your supervisor is so hopeless! Hope you can figure it out after a break! Sometimes it's staring you in the face and you don't know it! 8-) (up)


Thanks Doodles, I'm still not entirely sure but after a lot of reading and thinking I think it's becoming clearer.