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step up to the task

======= Date Modified 27 19 2009 16:19:43 =======
What's another way of saying this (I'm trying to avoid plagerising)

I don't want to use 'step up to the plate' - too american

sorted - just deleted it. Stupid motivational rubbish!


I've been thinking about this all afternoon! (Well, it has flitted idly through my brain). Best I could come up with was 'Elevate your capabilities and sense of motivation until they are sufficient for the job in hand.' So, um....yeah, I'd delete it!


I googled it, only to come up with your question...

Thanks Keep_calm - its supposedly for a motivational piece to get people to join a group. I.e. please join our group and step up to the plate! - completely LAME but has to be done. In the end I deleted then put in step up to the plate and then sent it to somoene else who said they were going to re-wrte the whole thing anyway, so im off for the weekend in a huff!