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Supporting postgraduate students!


Academic research supervision is one of (if not the most) critical aspects of being able to successfully complete a postgraduate research project in a timely manner. However, there are currently no widely distributed surveys that exist across universities that are able to effectively examine the important characteristics of the supervisory relationship. This project is aiming to construct a new student-report questionnaire to examine the important characteristics of the supervisory relationship. This will provide universities with the required data, so that supervisors can be trained to best support their students!

The research team has gone to every effort to reduce the length of the survey to make it as user-friendly as possible – however, to gather the data that we need, it is taking students on average about 25-30 minutes to complete. We value your input and appreciate your time!
Eligible participants: All postgraduate students who are independently completing a research project with a supervisor.

Here is the link: