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table in latex


can someone tell me how to resize my table?
its far too long for portrait and if I put \tiny I can't even read the numbers!!
can I change page area for just one page?
but the problem is then the table will go over the section title which is printed on top (but on the vertical/right side as landscape)

love satchi


Can you perhaps split it on 2 pages?...I am not good at Latex Tables, however that might work...excuse me if it is a stupid reply :S


hi ailicec thanks for your reply
you are right!!! but it would have to stretch across two pages on portrait.
I have no idea how to do this yet.

love satchi


I do not want to say something stupid...I am sorry if I ight say things that may be obvious...can you perhaps split it into two separate tables?...because I do not think that Latex will ever separate it into two could try


at the page break point in the table? Perhaps it would work?


hi ailicec
thanks again; yes it makes sense to split the table in two; I will try it tonight
love satchi



Do you know of the latex package "longtable"? You can create tables which automatically flow over multiple pages. "Supertabular" is similar, but in my opinion, slightly more complicated to use.

Would turning the table sideways help at all? If so the "sidewaystable" command is really useful. It comes with the "rotating" package.

Finally, if you're creating tables with latex I would strongly advise you use the "booktabs" package. It's the easiest way to format tables in a publication-quality format in latex. Have a look at it's documentation and you'll see what I mean.

Good luck with it all. You'll be glad you did it with latex once you get near the end. I'm grateful for that decision everyday at the moment.

Hope this helps,


hi mehmet
thanks a lot for your post! Longtable is very good but doesnt work for fat (really wide) tables.
I use \landscape for the table; the 1st problem was that the table was simply too fat.
Next was that it was long (vertically). If I fitted everything in one page and put \tiny for font, then the figures cannot be seen. Next I tried to see if I could change the page margins, but that was scary because I dont want to mess up my .sty file.

So in the end I split the fat table into two, kept the original page margins (because I dont know how to fix it for one page!) and now the table can be read comfortably. but in two tables instead one long, fat table.

I haven't looked at booktabs yet, though. Thanks for the suggestion. I will have a look at it.
Thanks again
love satchi