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The corrections process


Could people please tell me, what is the process for corrections?

Are examiners meant to pass their corrections to a student via the students supervisor? Are supervisors meant to do the corrections?


At my university there is a convenor who organises vivas. He passed the examiners' list of minor corrections on to me. I then did the corrections (nowhere, I think, would a supervisor do them), and then passed back the corrected thesis to him to check over. All my corrections had to be completed within a month, including delivering hard bound copies of the corrected thesis.

Quote From BilboBaggins:

At my university there is a convenor who organises vivas. He passed the examiners' list of minor corrections on to me. I then did the corrections (nowhere, I think, would a supervisor do them), and then passed back the corrected thesis to him to check over. All my corrections had to be completed within a month, including delivering hard bound copies of the corrected thesis.

Very similar for me too. As it's your work, it's you that has to do the corrections. If the corrections are major, then you do them with guidance from supervisors.

I thought this would be obvious and explained to you?

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)


Actually it is obvious to me, at least the part about who should do the corrections, and although I'm not prepared to expand on the matter I've a feeling asserting myself about the matter hasn't gone down too well with my supervisor. Just thought I'd check with others regarding their experiences.