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The highest RAE rating


Hi , I just wanted to ask what is the highest RAE rating a department can achieve and what is the rating purely base on ?



5* is the highest. Don't know how it is calculated, proabably something to do with number of publications, amount of funding coming into the department etc. it is probably calculated in a confusing and very boring way, which is why they have the 1 - 5* ranking system to make it appear simpler. the hero website should have details on how they do the calculations (


Thanks , would it be possible if a department was rated 6*


Pretty sure 5* is the highest, any department that tells you they are 6* are dirty rotten liars!


Also based on numbers of researchers, post docs phd students and successful submission of Phds


There are 6* departments. iirc it means that the department was rated 5* in the two most recent RAEs.


all i know is that 4 stars means "national competitiveness" and 5 stars means "international competitiveness". i've also heard that in some cases they won't give a department 5 stars even though they have all the output and stuff, just because it is new/recently established - gotta keep some incentive there...


I went on the RAE website and they didnt mention anything about 6* rating. I checked the result of that department out and clearly it said 5* unlike what i been told. Feel like I been cheated !!


Could it have been a typo?


It's not really a new rating, there is some information here
Although I don't know where the name '6*' came from, HEFCE call it 'double 5*'


Thanks big _mac , thats clear the matter abit .. so they prob really have 6*