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They didn't lie...


...when they warned me there would be times I'd be extremely depressed during this PhD


Me too!!! Can't wait for it to be over!


awwww Sixkitten, DanB sends you a big DanB hug


Poor you. Any specific reason tht you want to talk about? Or is it just general PhD-ness (from which I am suffering greatly at the moment...)?


Thanks DanB!!!!!

Kinda posted this on my other thread about the need to get back on track - had to write a definate thesis structure for my supervisor and just feel all my ideas are terrible and that there's no main argument. My supervisor keeps telling me to start writing, but don't know where I'm going with it.


I can empathise, SixKitten. I'm in exactly the same situation and don't have a clue what to put for my thesis plan as there is no structure to all the bitty work I've been doing. It puts you on a mighty downer and starting the writing seems impossible and pointless. I'm also battling cos my supervisor doesn't believe her original plan wont work, despite me plonking papers on her desk arguing my case. The project is a joke (but it's not a funny one ). All we can do is make a start, keep going, and have the occasional wine & choc blowout to retain our sanity. My thoughts are with you.


Thanks kc - you don't know how good it feels to have someone else say they feel the way you do!


Some else who feels the same here!!

I'm only 3 months in and wondering why on earth I even started! Feel cheated on the description of the project and like nobody really knows or cares what I do everyday. Expect work 12 hour days, that seems to be a given!


Completely sympathise with you because I'm in a similar situation. A year down the line and I still feel unsure what theories I will use and how it will be structured. I try to visualise what the end product will be and aim towards that! Good luck


Glad you're feeling a tad better SixKitten. Try not to worry folks, as our feelings are normal, and you've all got a lot longer to sort it out than the 6 months left of my project! Solidarity chickens


hi, yes there is more downs than ups in the ph.d but do not worry cause you are not the only one feeling this way. the other day I google"why doing a ph.d" then I found really interesting research paper describing the negative effects of ph.d stuy on student health. the papaer title is "Pursuit of the Ph.D.: Is it good for your health?"
Paper presented at the 4th International Multidisciplinary Qualitative Health Research Conference Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, February 19-21, 1998.© 1998
it is free online you can google and see other people desribe there experience as well.


alia - just read the article

Very good if anyone else wants to check it out:

A lot of it is about women, but still useful for anyone


I found that article so terrifying. I related to many of the other students reactions to study - esp self criticism and disordered eating. Hmmm these demons haven't been seen since my MA....but I do worry when the going gets tough....eekkk...

Still I must be eternally vigilant...