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third class in law .is my career over ?


.i am at an alltime low confidence wise.i gradueated with a thrid in law due to silly circumstances heath wise .
any way i went on to do the lpc and due to having a defferal paper couldnt graduate when i am supposed to ..meantime i have treid to apply to numerous business and law schools and got turned down. .my confidence is shattered.i finaly got offered a place at london met for the llm but it was on the condition of finishing my lpc which as u know i have a deffrall for and so that offer was withdrawn.i also got a place for the international business msc but even though i was given an unconditional offer at the open day,once they found out that i had an lpc paper to take,they too withdrew their offer.and now i am stuck in limbo ,cos they did this a week into lectures starting and its too late to apply anywhere else..i originally planned to do an llm or msc cos i intended to move to the states for my mba and i felt i needed a better qualification to bolster my third i stand a chance?


Well, to be honest doing anything with a third will be difficult, let alone law. You should know how competitive law is. Many people don't get accepted on training contracts as lawyers and spend the rest of their lives working in a law firm as an administrator doing photocopying on 14K. This could be because they didn't go to a 'good enough' uni, didn't get a good enough grade, are applying over the age of twenty five and various other reasons. Law I'm afraid is still a fairly elitist profession and there are so many applicants, that they can pick and choose.

If I were you I would investigate the credit transfer scheme at the OU. By doing two level three options you could come out with a new degree grade. I would ring them up and ask them to explain to you how the scheme works.

I would also advise that you ask law firms about what they look for and the university careers adviser.


thanks for the tip.i would go look at that now.i had also enrolled on the distance learning ,university of london ll b programee but i was in doubt as to whether or not i could make it there as its a total self study programme .not even online guidance


Glad you found the tip helpful. It can take a bit of time to sort out credit transfer because it takes a few weeks for them to get back to you after applying for the scheme, especially at busy times of year.

Also good idea to book courses well in advance. Some modules only start on one date a year which can be in almost any month. Good luck!


Have checked the OU website and registration deadline for the two level three courses closes 14/12 to start in Feb. I would book them now, while there are still places. In the meantime you can submit form for transfer with you transcripts. (I think it can take 4-6 weeks for them to process).

I am at a top ten university and the OU is highly regarded there.

I really hope everything works out for you.


Oh yes and I forget to mention that the OU is very supportive of people with disabilities or health problems.


Victor, if you're based in or around London, try Birkbeck College. They do PT degrees with evening lectures, allowing you to work in the daytime.


hi silvester u read my mind.i just saw message and i had appleid to birkbeck in the summer and got accepted .but it was for an undergraduate place.(bsc financial economics)i had applied for an msc with them orginally with the undergrad place asa back up.they never got ack to me with regards the postgrad position but offered me a place on the undergrad position.i have sent off an acceptance form but unsure if i wanna spend another three years as an undergrad.