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This made me giggle...


======= Date Modified 15 Oct 2011 08:48:59 =======
(... but maybe I shouldn't be giggling??)

So I called my mum this morning and here's how it went:
(after the how are you, bla bla bla...)

Me: So mum, I was thinking of coming over for lunch today...
Mum: Have you finished your work?
Me: Not yet, I'm almost done (and goes on to give her a very brief summary...)
Mum: You can't come if you haven't finished your work. You can only come when you're finished.

I didn't ask her why because either 1) she's trying to encourage me to finish because she knows I love her cooking or

2) (the most likely option) I'm so stressed that she doesn't want me around! Lol

Anyway, a good start to a working Saturday!


ha ha ha! you just made me laugh out loud!! :)



My mother means well but increases the pressure by saying things like "but you've worked so hard, surely you must be finished now?" and "maybe as you've worked so hard, 'they' will give you a nice job in your uni..." :-s

Hubby: "so if you had to put a percentage on your work, what percentage are you at; 80%, 90%, 95%? :-s:-s:-s


======= Date Modified 15 Oct 2011 09:34:23 =======

Quote From ady:


"maybe as you've worked so hard, 'they' will give you a nice job in your uni..." :-s

I get this from my mum as well!!!

Little does she know my supervisor has never even asked if I've applied for any jobs or expressed an interest in my future. Sadly, my supervisor likes to big himself up and constantly names drops but isn't dropping my name into any conversations, obviously...


======= Date Modified 15 Oct 2011 11:46:17 =======
I appreciate that 'loved ones' may wish to 'support' us but... I'm not sure they know how to...

For example, hubby was away at the time so I emailed him with 'how the day had been' and mentioned I didn't think I got the job I'd had an interview for earlier that week. The first line of his reply said: 'Still no job!' and this was before the 'how are you' :-(

Here's an update on the original event, my mum just EMAILED me asking me if I'm coming over for lunch... no mum, you've put me off driving an hour to see you! But as I see a guilt trip, I might try tomorrow instead :p


My girlfriend is expecting me to finish up (I've just started my third year and am 3 chapters in, out of 8), get a job in the next year and be available for a lot of relationship time.

I feel she has somewhat conflicting expectations.


Quote From Slizor:

My girlfriend is expecting me to finish up (I've just started my third year and am 3 chapters in, out of 8), get a job in the next year and be available for a lot of relationship time.

I feel she has somewhat conflicting expectations.

Ha, I'm in exactly the same situation (but only second year)

Luckily though, my gf has recently gotten a part-time job to fund her part-time masters course, so she's busy more than me at the moment, so I've no excuse not to work :$


======= Date Modified 15 Oct 2011 14:26:21 =======

Quote From Skig:

======= Date Modified 15 Oct 2011 08:48:59 =======
2) (the most likely option) I'm so stressed that she doesn't want me around! Lol

I hear that! I find that no matter how much I'm looking forward to meeting a relative for a lunch break, the mere presence of a human being causes me to accidentally vent all my nervous energy at once. Even when I'm aware it's happening, I sometimes find it hard to reign it back in. :$

But yes, hopefully your mom just knows a thing or two about rewards-based motivation!


This made me giggle.............



Quote From tannedsam2004:

This made me giggle.............


while i'll probably join this (lol) is there anything more pompous than 'find your intelligent match'? well played