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Told to take time off!


It's a miracle!

I handed in my upgrade documents today. My sup (and I ) wanted them to be as good as possible and I've worked flat out over the past few weeks (also been teaching, organizing a conference and other things). I had an hour's sleep last night and it must have showed- when i handed him the final documents he ordered me to take a week off :-)

The halairious and sad thing is I'm not even sure I want to... a few days, maybe, but a whole week?! I won't know what to do with myself :$


Well done keep calm, I'm sure your upgrade docs reflect the work you put in.

Now go do as your supervisor says! View it as a psychological experiment if you will but unwind properly for a bit :-)


Well done, Keep_Calm.
I know what you feel, I recently submitted my thesis and I am still coming into uni and doing odd bits and bobs (and prep for the new job), and people ask me why I am not on holiday and what I am doing here.. Mmm, they are right.. I should be at home (or some hot sunny island:p) relaxing etc, but it is really hard to just switch modes.. It is strange just how obsessive one becomes with work and how once that part is over (whether upgrade docs or final thesis), it takes time to let go of it, even if temporarily..
Oh well, I do agree though that you should take time off, it just sounds quite reasonable, doesnt it?! If you dont take time off completely, why not do half days.. or come in late, or go home early.. as a treat as it were.
All the best(sprout)


hi keep_calm,
its like getting "time_off_withdrawal_symptoms"
what will you do? if me, I would go and window shop. When I see clothes, make up and shoes, at least I get disttractted for a while :-)


Haha, I know what you mean. I'm not so good at chilling out and not working either- unless I am actually away somewhere I just get bored. For my easter break I have planned a week in the office with no testing, no appointments and no meetings as a treat. Everyone thinks I'm barking, but I'm just so busy right now I can't deal with sudden enforced relaxation, I would rather be doing something productive! But you should take time off if you feel like it- you've earned it and sometimes it can make a huge difference. I went away on an adventure sports week in France last summer and had such an awesome time that I promised myself I would do something like that every year...I came back feeling refreshed and re-energised! Treat yourself to a few days out with pals, and be chuffed that you have the kind of supervisor that insists on you taking time off- last week my supervisor offered to chain me to my desk :) And well done for getting your upgrade stuff in! Best, KB


Ha, I'm reassured to see that I'm not the only saddo who doesn't know how to relax. I think I'm worried that I'm an all or nothing person and if I take time out I'll find it hard to get back into the swing. At the minute I'm thinking I might just take a long weekend. I'd really enjoy that and the thought doesn't freak me out as much, ha ha! Might take a little day trip somewhere. And I'm buying some makeup tomorrow satchi as a treat :-)


Well done for getting your upgrade work handed in, I hope it all goes well.

I'm not very good at taking time off either, I tend to get quite irritable; I've always been like it my mum tells me that I was a nightmare in the summer holidays when I was at infants school! Now I tend to get ratty and feel really down when I have to take time off, I found the gap between the end of my undergrad and the start of my MSc just dragged on, was horrible.

I think you should take a few days off though just to recharge your batteries, it doesn't need to be a whole week, just as long as you think you need - your body will tell you. When I have a day off I catch up with household things like clearing out my wardrobe and cleaning my car..I let things like that slip when I'm really busy working and I'm usually quite tidy so a couple of days of sorting things out can be quite de-stressing - for me anyway! Or pamper yourself a bit, you're already buying some makeup but maybe get your hair done or catch up with some friends.


Well done, Keep_Calm!

Like what Satchi had said, I'd probably window-shop, or sit in a cafe all day watching the world go by ...

Hi KC, I too am a saddo who doesn't know what to do with themselves when faced with a day off... Or at least too many days off. I finished teaching for the term on Friday, spent friday night and saturday with friends, yestreday doing laundrey and most of today sleeping. I now feel all empty, lost and lacking in motivation for anything other than my thesis! But I promised I'd take until Wednesday off (when I have more teaching type stuff to do).

My flat looks like a bomb's hit it, after a mad, mad term of hours on hours of teaching, but I just can't muster any ummmppphh to get it done. Better just get some music on tomorrow and get busy. Am starting with a knitting club tomorrow night, so also need to get some wool while the shops are open.

I think I run on adrenalin... Maybe I should ask some friends round, that'll get me hoovering.


======= Date Modified 30 Mar 2010 12:32:18 =======
I just got an e-mail from my supervisor saying 'Your hard work will all pay off soon but honestly, for now, take a week off and rest. Step back and 'chillax' as I believe the youngsters say these days.'

Ha ha, that's made my day!

Eska I'm also teaching my last lesson of the academic year today. I'm trying to hide the fact that I am OVERJOYED about this!


Hi Keep-calm, other fellow posters,

Keep-calm; sometimes it may be better to stay away from work and to try and do something completely different, for example visit the zoo, go for a swim, a walk in the hills etc. Last night I was drawing a picture, and before I knew it was 3.30 am. I had forgotten how I enjoy doing creative things like that, as during the writing of the thesis I always think that should be my first priority. Currently I am waiting for (another) response of my supervisors on it, yet due to Easter I do not expect that to arrive quickly and as such I have more time to do other things. Recognise what you seem to indicate as a "guilty" feeling.

By the way, Keenbean, would you be happy to tell a bit more about the sports adventure In France? I may be interested in doing something like that.:-)


======= Date Modified 30 Mar 2010 18:50:37 =======

My sup told me to take a week off last Christmas - I'd had a tough month between writing up a tiresome funding application, a proposal, 10,000 word literature review and what seemed like 5,000,000 theory and methods assignments! I must have looked wrecked! I laughed at him and said that I'd be back in on December 27th. Think he thought I was going to crash and burn! :p Needles to say, I wasn't back in that day but I did a lot of work at home. I'm such a nerd - my own sup slags me off over my nerdiness :$