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Just letting you all know that I PASSED my upgrade!!

Yay! I'm soo pleased-although it hasn't sunk in yet. All of my supervisors etc had basically given up on me, but I DID IT!! Should bloody well hope so-after submitting a massive 80,000 word upgrade report!

Can't believe it :)


Wow that is a huge upgrade report!

Well done 8-)


woohoo! Congrats!

80,000 words? Thats the word limit for my thesis!


congratulations (up)


Well done you! What a brilliant way to start the weekend. Congratulations!:-)


Scienceishard, I always read your name as Science Scissor Hands.... :-)


Congratulations ! (up)

80,000 words for an upgrade??!? I'm impressed, that's my PhD word limit too!


Well done!(up)


CONGRATULATIONS! wow 80,000 , forget upgrade, you should have passed the phd!

80,000 words is very very impressive for an upgrade report. considering 100,000 is the maximum limit, you pretty much have your thesis done!

although 80,000 is meant to be a good number to aim for and not above.

my thesis is only 59,000 words. :$


Guys, can anyone please tell me what the upgrade is? Is it the MPhil to PhD document or the Mphil thesis? or are they the same?

Second question, nowadays we find so many phds converting their thesis into a book, though that naturally takes some years time, what are the differences between a well written thesis and its potentially well written book form?


Hey PhD bug, the upgrade is the transfer from Mphil to PhD NOT the Mphil thesis. The transfer process involves writing a report usually about what research was done before you started (lit review), why your research would contribute something, what results you have already, what you think they mean (if scientific) and what you plan to do to finish the project. This report is submitted to examiners (most people can choose), then you have to meet with the examiners to either discuss whether they think your project will make a good PhD or whether it would be better to just write a Mphil thesis (usually because there is not enough there for a PhD), however usually this decision can be reviewed and you can have another go. Sometimes this takes the form of a mini viva. If you pass, you carry on as a PhD student, if you don't you have to write an Mphil thesis and NOT PhD. At least this is what happens at my uni