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What citation styles do you use?


hey everyone, am doing a phd in the humanities using endnote. am looking for a citation style that displays the page number alongside the citation i.e. (apple 2007:20) or something close to that. currently am using the harvard style and my supervisor is unhappy with it as page numbers are not displayed. Any help? Any style that displays page numbers would do.



you can always edit the styles in EndNote. I use page numbers only for direct quotes or quotes that are particularly from a certain point in text. For this, I edit the citation in Word, instead of EndNote. But if you need to add page number to all citations, editing the style in EndNote would be more logical.


Hi Jojo,
I am using "Vancouver" in which references should be presented like this: Jansen D The Quality of.... Br Med J 2007;57(530): 422-424
The last figures indicate the pages.
In he text at end of the sentence in which you refer to this article you would incidate :1 etc.


hi jojo,
you can add page-numbers to any style (thad doesn't already have them) by adapting the style in "edit-output style".

however i found that when i use endnote on campus i can't edit the output styles (because they are stored on a server and i don't have writing rights on the server) - might that be your problem too?

does anyone here know if it is possible to save an adapted style locally, and how, if using a server-based version of endnote?


oh, and as to your real question: i currently use APA 5th which displays the page numbers; it looks like this (Brown, 2002: 66). i'd rather not have the comma, though, but couldn't find another one without the comma.


thanks guys, i with try editing my styles on Endnote. Shani - your style looks more like it. but i'll try rick's as well and see which one i like. wow, 404. you're lucky. my sup wants to see the page of where i got everything. so, am going through all the readings again which is really annoying.... but has to be done.


I use (Sainsbury, 2006, p 19) but you can edit EndNote to present the references however you like - with or without the 'p', with commas or whatever you like. It's pretty simple - just follow the instructions in the manual. I guess the help index on EndNote must have the details as wel if you don't have the manual.