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What do people do to stop themselves piling on the pounds?


Bit of a strange one this. I've noticed over the few months I've been coming on here that a lot of PhDers complain that they have/are putting on weight due to the nature of the research/writing process. Just wondering whether anyone does something specifically to combat this [other than swearing off the Cadbury's and doing a 5 mile run at 6 every morning]?


As tedious as I find it ( then I am very boring ) I go to the gym a few times a week.
I was thinking of taking up either thai-chi or preying mantis / crane stylee kung fu this semester. I wanted to join the university climbing club as we have a boulder wall - but my supervisor signed up and as much as I like the person, I don't really want to spend time allocated for kicking back hanging out with the super.


Spending more time in the library without money in your wallet/purse and arriving home too late to cook should solve some problems. In the short term. Mostly, I start to fantasise about food and end up going home to gorge. Still, my metabolism is starting to crash and I'm having to watch things more. I've started to comfort eat already, so if I want to fit into my clothes in a months time I shall have to calm it down a bit!


Hehe Bibi, me too! I lost 10lbs in the last month of writing up, had no time to eat and was full of nervous energy!


wish I could find a way to keep the weight under control. Maybe I need to ask my supervisor to start being nasty and hassling me more so that my stress levels increase. Ann, did you loose weight on the vodka chocolate diet you were talking about in the other thread?


commute by bike


I banned myself from eating junk during the week, but relax a bit on Saturdays. Also try to base most meals around vegetables - a Chinese or Thai cookbook helps here. Does tend to make you fart a lot though.


Argh! I cnan't stop grazing on snack and rewarding myself for the 'work' I do. Must stop. Argh! Oh well, hopefully if I stress out more that wil burn the extra calories!


I'm on the 6th floor and there is no lift, and there is nothiing else on my floor other than my office so I have to go all the way down to see my supe, go to the toilet etc. Think I walked up and down them 10 times yesterday! And also I've got no friends yet so no long lunches.



After grazing absent mindedly through a packet of cereal whilst reading a journal article this has to stop!

TODAY A NEW DIET REGIME OF CALORIE RESTRICTION AND DEDICATION WILL BEGIN. I reckon it is the starting PhD trauma which is causing the comfort eating!


I've acquired an exercise bike recently...great clothes rack