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What's motivating your PG studies?


If you are midway through your Masters or PhD, then we'd love to hear from you.

We know Masters and PhDs require a bucketload of motivation and determination, and we're on the hunt to find out exactly what is getting you through hours of dissertation writing or days of experiments!

Do you drink coffee by the bucket? Have a work schedule filled with film breaks? Or simply look forward to a night seeing your friends?

On FindAMasters and FindAPhD, we'll be sharing our motivation photos and tips with you, and we'd love to hear what's powering your dissertation (#poweringmyMasters) or thesis writing (#poweringmyPhD). Simply share a photo of your motivations onto one of our Facebook pages.

For Masters motivations:

For PhD motivations:

Get snapping guys!




What's motivating it is my desire to stop being treated like I look like a school dropout who has no college education at all when people see me. Even my law degree - nothing less than a full PhD in Mathematical Physics, it seems, will get me treated like an "educated" human being....and not a skin colour with boobs.