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What to wear!?


What *exactly* should one wear to a PhD interview?!


hi-ok i have had 2 phd interviews and from my experience I would go for a smart look-but dontover do it! my look is suit with a casual white vest under. a shirt and suit is way over the top!!!! black/gray trousers with smart jumper are also a popular look or us girls!


Hi, C, I am also up to an interview. Do you know what shall we be careful about? and what questions are they likely to ask? What shall we prepare?


be prepaired foranyting - i had a data anaylsis exericse at my interview which i could have not hve prepared for een if i knew it was going to happen - basically know whay u want to do a phd and what you hope to do after you complete it!


Question:"why you want to do a phD?" answer:" why not?" Question:"what you want to do after it?" answer:"do a post-doctor." :) I think in this way i can get a good excuse for not studying anymore. Anyway, thanks ella. your suggestions are very helpful

Most supervisors will not have dressed up to interview you and will not expect you to. However there's no accounting for taste so dressing smartly is the safest bet. It's probably best not to go over the top, but if your choice is between a suit or crotch worn Levis with a pair of espadrilles and Marilyn Manson T-Shirt, then just put the suit on and don't worry about it - you can save the Levis for your first day.