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when will it end?


Hi guys,

I'm feeling all whingey today. Basically, I can't see the light anymore. I want to submit in March, but I just can't see myself ever finishing!! I feel like I'm going to have the weight of this PhD on my shoulders for the rest of my life, and this is hindering my ability to focus and actually get some work done!!

I think part of the problem is that I have soooo much else to think about... conferences, teaching, social life.... everything seems to be just getting in the way and then when I do have time to focus, I just can't because I find myself wallowing and getting all anxious about where all the time has gone. I think the fact that December starts tomorrow meaning I have 18 days to get 2 chapters in, isn't helping.

I'm not usually a stress head, and I don't actually think I'm stressed. I think I'm just over-aware of time. I feel ridiculous. Grrrr. Venting over.

Contributions welcome. :-s


When will it end? Yep, very good question/statement.
I have also looked at the diary today and there are only a few weeks left before the xmas break?! Argh! My aim was to have a draft thesis finished by then. Well, that is unlikely to happen BUT I know that I will be able to finish some things off. So, yes moving some goalposts allows me to not go insane, but not moving others, will hopefully give me some sense of achievement (when I will have done them by 23rd Dec-ha!).
As usual, I think it helps to work out what to do on a daily/weekly basis and stick to it as much as possible. So, maybe you will not manage to do both chapters well, but maybe you can finish one, or at least make signifiant progress with both, which you can pick up on with fresh perspective in the new year.
Feeling ridiculous -yes, it is all a bit of a farce, right;-)


I agree Jinkim!!

It does seem never ending!! And like Poppy, I wanted to have a draft thesis done by end of the year - miles and miles away from that...:-( Yes, March is not far off - is there anything you can strip back? Not do the conferences, cut back the social life to a bare minimum?

Breathe, make a list, and start. You probably won't get 2 chapters done in 18 days, but you could get one done, so just concentrate on that. Don't feel ridiculous - your anxiety is perfectly understandable. If you're really aware of time, turn that into a positive - use your anxious feelings to work faster, to propel you along. A little bit of adrenalin while you're working can make you speed up. But also exercise, relax, stretch and breathe - too much adrenalin and anxiety is not helpful.

It will finish. People have come through this! You will finish! It gets harder the closer to the end, but you'll get there! Good luck, and just keep chipping away at it!


Hello JimKim65! How are you getting on?
Know just where you are coming from on the panic stakes... I just see the deadlines whooshing by and really need to have two chapters done by end of Feb if I can... I am back in full time work at the start of March and life will just get incredibly demanding again! I think you are right about splitting your focus - I have that problem too I call them my procrastinations and after this I am thinking of writing a cartoon booklet on procrastinations of a doctoral student that I have loved! Dont know how you have faired lately - hope things are getting better? I know I am going to have to just get strict with myself and shut the door and see what can be accomplished in 2 hourly blocks when I can. Take care of yourself and look forward to the update


Just a quick update... after a nice little break over christmas, I have finished the never-ending chapter and am in a much happier place. I know I have absolutely tonnes to do and may have to push my deadline back, but I'm ok with that :-)

I hope everyone else is doing well, and thanks so much for your support and concern!

Onwards and upwards!