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working at a different uni


I am going to work at a different uni for a few weeks as part of a collaboration. I am getting quite nervous about it as I don't know the ppl or a lot of the tecniques I will be using and also I will be away from my family and friends for the first time. Can anyone give any advice on staying calm and making the most of it? I feel really rubbish at the moment and I am worried I won't be able to do it. :-(


Hi Jen, you should think of it as a really useful experience and how lucky you are to have it!

It will be hard to be away from your friends and family but think of all the new people you will meet and possibilities of making more contacts and friends.

Surely if your supervisors didn't think you could do it, why would they send you?

Think positive and it will be a positive experience!


I know your right H, thanks. I just tend to look on the negative side of everything.

Welcome back by the way.