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You know you have lost the plot when....


... you attempt to make instant coffee without first boiling the kettle and then wonder why the granules don't dissolve.....


I know what you mean. I took out my house key instead of my oyster card from my bag at the tube station the other day and waited for a few seconds in front of the yellow reader. That also qualifies as an instant-coffee-moment, doesn't it :-)


...or when you think you've lost your favourite mug because you've not seen it for a few days, then find it tucked in a corner on the floor by the front door, half full of coffee that's been growing furry mould since the postman called the other day....


Quote From rubyw:

...or when you think you've lost your favourite mug because you've not seen it for a few days, then find it tucked in a corner on the floor by the front door, half full of coffee that's been growing furry mould since the postman called the other day....

We need a puke icon!


lol Rubyw :-) This week, I actually quite enjoyed finding those perfectly round shapes of bacteria in the bottom of my mugs that I didn't get to wash for 2 weeks. A thin film of bacteria that looks amazing against the light. Maybe I shouldn't have gone as far as giving them names as pets. Hmmmmm :p


lol 404


Ooh cheers H, it was only the once! I did look in the bin for it though, really thought I'd lost it (the mug, not the plot, though I guess that's going too...)

I also tidied up and accidentally chucked my new credit card down the rubbish chute, that was embarrassing to report. I felt like a real prat on the phone to the bank. It's not been a very good few days.


recently i was trying to shut some sliding doors on a cupboard but they were sticking, so being the clever phd student i am, i stuck my head inside the cupboard but forgot to stop tugging on the doors... and hey presto, i shut my head in the cupboard! not a good look, fortunately i don't *think* anyone saw me :$


404, you gave them names??!!? LOL!!

It must have been funny for any commuters stuck behind you watching the key/oyster card thing though!

I have flashed my Nectar card at security before, trying to get into our building at work, though not as an intentional suspect intruder or anything dodgy.


I walked into my office wearing a white coat and holding a flask of citric acid today. I meant to go into the chemistry lab...on the next floor.


You know you have lost the plot when this is the view you think you have from your office/study area window........its what I see when I look outside!


I have had a similar experience, I've been stood waiting for the kettle to boil, wondering why it was taking so long.. only then to realise i hadn't switched on..


... having made a cup of tea, you put the kettle in the fridge and leave the milk bottle on the worktop (I've also put the sugar bowl in the fridge instead of the milk on another occasion!)


I'm empathising with all these! 8-):-)8-)


talking about milk, 'a friend of mine' picked a glass of milk instead of salt shaker and poured it over a beautifully cooked cheese omelette. I, ooops, I mean she, had to eat it like that since there was nothing else left in the fridge that day.