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Econ/Finance PhD in top Universities of UK/USA


Hey all,

Lately I've started to seriously contemplate applying for PhD program after graduating with MSc in Finance. I study in the top Business University in Finland with a GPA slightly over 4. I have basically completed all my studies (BSc and MSc) in 3 years, with a major in Finance and minor in Economics.

I would like to further deepen my knowledge in either Economics or Finance before exploring the job market. However, I am a little concerned with the time it is going to take me to complete a PhD. I would still love to see what the best business Unis in the world look like - mostly to challenge myself intellectually (although I do believe that PhD is also going to be an asset when applying for a job outside academia). I'd be most interested in studying in UK or USA.

I have a couple of questions, and if some of you guys and gals could shed some knowledge on these issues I would be very grateful!

1. How hard is to get in some of the most prestigious Unis in the world, e.g. Oxford, Harvard, MIT?

2. Is it possible to complete the degree in 3 years or less? I've heard that as most students go straight from Undergrad to Phd in US, the PhD programs tend to be longer there - would UK be a better choice in this regard?

3. When it comes to PhD studies, what are the biggest differences between Finance and Economics? I really love both fields. Thus far I've been under the impression that employers appreciate Finance more when it comes to MSc and BSc degrees, but does a PhD in Econ open up more doors or should I continue with Finance?

Thanks in advance, I really appreciate all the answers! If you guys also have some additional information, e.g. useful links regarding PhD studies in UK/US, funding, blogs, whatever, don't hesitate to post those too, I'd love to read and learn more!