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ESRC Quota Nomination



I have a quota nomination but have to wait until August for the ESRC to ratify it. Just wondered how likely it is that they won't. I know the uni is supposed to have the choice for quotas and the ESRC confirmation is just a formality, but I can't help thinking that they won't confirm mine.


Don't worry! I also have an ESRC studentship, and basically I was told that it really is the uni's decision, but the ESRC just sort of "rubber stamp" it. Obviously the uni have done all the applications, interviews and then selected those who are most appropriate for the studentships, so there's no reason why the ESRC wouldn't agree with their decisions. I really wouldn't worry, congratulations for getting it!


Anyone had their confirmation of funding for this yet? It's an 'early August' thing, I believe...


In same boat. Waiting for ESRC confirmation of my Quota nomination. Not heard anything yet. Will let you know when I hear something. Fingers crossed.