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Help - epsrc studentship & pregnancy


Hi all,

I'm about to start an epsrc funded phd at a centre for doctoral training. The funding is for four years. However, I've just found out I'm pregnant and so wondering what on earth will happen with funding? I don't want to leave my course but as my other half is also a student, money is tight and so I want to find out ASAP what's going to happen. There seems to be conflicting advice on the epsrc website.

One page ( says the following:
We allow students to take maternity, paternity and adoption leave and make provision for additional stipend to be paid where appropriate. Students are also allowed to study on a part-time basis.

Research Council funded students are entitled to 26 weeks of maternity leave on full stipend and a further 26 weeks of unpaid maternity leave.
There is no qualifying period for maternity, paternity or adoption leave for example a student can take leave regardless of when they commenced their studies

Whilst another ( says:
PhD students receiving a stipend from a doctoral training grant are entitled to receive a stipend during maternity leave in line with statutory maternity provision. They should also have their studentships extended by a corresponding length of time.

Does anyone know which one it is? If number two what does it mean by in line with statutory maternity provision? I'm worried that as I won't have been there long when I need to take leave and as I haven't worked for over a year since I went straight from my masters to phd, I won't be entitled to anything.


Does anyone have any advice for CharlieC?


I think the second link you put up is just a general statement for all students. The first one is specific to your funding. I'm pretty sure if you are research council funded you are allowed your full stipend for that 26 weeks and you have the option of going part time afterwards. I'd call the research council up and check though just to put your mind at ease!