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Phantom funding and the disappearing professor.


Hello clever people, a little advice if you please… I've been offered a Phd starting oct in humanities. Was in conversation with head of admissions during application process, between us we decided I should not go for AHRC funding as I won't qualify. He told me not to worry, because once I had the offer we could 'take our time' getting departmental funding instead (fees only). So, with a huge sigh of relief I shredded the 18 odd page AHRC application. Now, I've since emailed both the department and said head to inquire about this 'departmental funding' and...nothing. Not a whisper. I haven't even had a reply acknowledging my inquiry. What do you think this means? That there’s no funding available? If so, that’s a bit flippen rude, don’t you think? Should I email them again? Should I phone them? What do I say “Prof so-and-so said there might be some funding available and now he’s ignoring me”?! I really don’t want to make an a*** of myself in front of the very people that I’ll be working with for the next 3 years. What do I do next? I HATE asking for money! Grrr


How long ago did you email them?


asking for money is awkward, but everybody understands that it is really important to prospective students. so don't be embarrassed about it!

i hate it when e-mails dissappear into black holes. it leaves you so at a loss...


It's possible he's on holiday, given that it's exam time now and he probably doesn't have any lectures. However he should have set up an out-of-office autoreply in that case.

I would email once more, and then start ringing. It's a pretty major issue so don't be embarrassed, and as said above, everyone asks about funding, it's not considered rude or anything -it's an essential part of the process.


What about asking the person who is going to be your supervisor? They'd be in a position to find out, if they don't know already.


Thank you so much for the replies! I emailed them about 10-14 days ago now, I forget that there are a million other things going on in the department. I need answers I just don’t want to make a nuisance of myself. Thank you so much for the reassurance, Shani and Juno. I didn’t give that black hole enough credit, I think I’ll call first, then email my supervisor as Alibi suggested if nothing happens, but there again I’m loath to bug him in case he takes a disliking to me or something. How pathetic! Its part of the process like you said, and like someone said on another thread I’m doing this to make friends. Right, decision made. You guys are the best, Thanks!


I've just called the dept, they're not sure yet, will let me know in July when they know what funds are available for next ac. year. Not an entirely positive answer, but at least they've acknowledged my inquiry now. Yay, no need to bug supervisor, he's already aware of the situation. Once again thanks guys, knowing everyone has to deal with money issues made me realise I have as much right to ask as the next person. If the ultimate answer is no I'll just have to make other plans.


The money situation can sometimes drag out for months. Academics often appear to vanish (often they're away or just slow to deal with emails). Good luck with it.

BTW - your thread title sounds like a great mystery novel!


Thanks, it's good to know that these things take time. I will have to work on my patience. It would make a good novel I suppose, a scandal rocks Academia, can the ivory tower ever survive? hehehe


FF - you could be the new nancy drew!