Overview of ciela_grace

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The Postgraduate Moans Thread

Hei there guys,

Same situation as you folks. I recently defended my PhD (2 months ago), but I actually submitted my thesis 8 months ago. And in the meantime, while I was waiting for my defense, I started to apply for jobs. >40 probably. Some of them were quite relevant, some, a bit more sideish, but still, within my field. So out of all the jobs, I applied, I had 5 interviews. 4 of them went quite well (according to my feelings) but at the end nothing.

So, yea...it is difficult not to lose hope and not to be affected when you get rejected from positions you think you would have been a great candidate...and it is irritating to see how darn difficult it is to get a job..!

Anyway, I think the only thing we can do is keep on applying and applying and realize this problem is much more common than what we think!

Corrections/revisions approval waiting time?

Same here..! I submitted my thesis 28th of january...It took the faculty and my committee 3 months to revise it..!!! So I got it back last Friday of April.. with minor revisions...some references that got misplaced...(damn word!) I fixed it in 4 days and gave it back to the faculty...! now it's up again for my committee to re-check! And I have no clue if I will defend this June or after summer in September...depending if my committee replies within one week...or they take 2 months again...!

Anyway...it seems this is how university and academics work...here and in Mars..! just really annoying living in this "uncertainty" all the time..!!

Good luck and patience to you all!