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PhD Preparation - What to Wear?

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.

I am under the impression that a suit would be the best option in that the interviewers recognise the effort made, however as far as comfort goes, a smart shirt and tie would go alot better...so it's a close one to call really, but I'm probably leaning more towards the suit and tie option just to be on the safe side (even if in truth in the end it wouldn't make much of a difference)!

My only concern is the psychological effect of having to feel "over-dressed" for the occassion, in particular when you enter the room and see the interviewers!...

PhD Preparation - What to Wear?


I have an interview for a PhD this Tuesday, and am not sure whether to go with my suit or just go very smart/casual for the occassion? Does it make a difference in the end? Are UK professors at all impressed by what you wear? I am curious because I keep getting different suggestions from family and friends and am still in limbo over how to present myself on the day.

Appreciate any advice I can get,