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Thesis on turnitin (plagiarism)

Yes my uni has suggested that it will use such software but I am not sure it actually does. This came in while I was writing my thesis and caused me some concern at the time. Prior to the changing the regs to accomodate turnitin, I had actually done a check on my thesis just to be sure for myself that all was well. I know I had actually written the lot from scratch but I had heard of some people accidently cutting/pasting sections from journals, forgetting to remove them later! I guess I was paranoid lol. So I uploaded the document and as expected got a very acceptable result. However, following submission, if my thesis was submitted to turnitin again the result would be an almost identical match to my previous version :$ I obviously was happy to share my original results report with my uni, but was unsure how it would have looked, oops!

I would be very happy to use such checks as I have nothing to hide. I hope that plagiarism can be a thing of the past.

OK, seriously, tell me...(part 2)

Yes Delta, I have a job full time over three long days a week. I have a clinical job working with clinical doctors who kindly state that I am a proper doctor lol. I do enjoy going back to work :p

OK, seriously, tell me...(part 2)

I am still on 4 stars and as my procrastination is now over the chance of me getting number 5 is slim now! Oh well, at least I have graduated although in some sad way I do miss not having a project........


That all sounds very intriguing! I would have thought that either the research you have conducted is of interest to them for their own future projects or that they may like to collaborate with you on something. Guess only time will tell. In the meantime, take pride in the fact that someone has requested a copy of your thesis as that suggests peer respect (highly commended). Sadly, mine will probably never get read and will serve as a suitable door stop :$:$:$

calling all viva veterans....

The viva is hopefully a debate rather than serious diplomatic negotiations lol. However, if I didn't agree with the examiner I came up with something along the lines of: That is an interesting viewpoint, however I felt that the data supported XY and Z........
What I would say is that if the examiner is pushing you on a point, just take a moment to consider their idea just to be sure you have interpretted it correctly and not overlooked something. That said they may have the wrong picture in mind and may not fully understand your research ie new methodology etc!!
If you don't have an answer, then be honest. It is better to be honest than to make it up and dig a big hole for yourself. You will know your area of research so should be able to answer most Qs. If it is a Q that is outside of your scope then just say so. Additionally, if you go blank and need to collect your thoughts, then tell them and ask for a moment. You will be under pressure at your viva and a good examiner will realise that.
Good luck for Friday(up)

Discussion Guidance! (science PhD)

My science PhD thesis comprised 7 chapters,
Introduction, methodology and design, exp 1 leading to exp 2 leading into exp 3
and then finally to exp 4. Lastly, I had my discussion chapter. I found that in
each experimental chapter I came to a discussion and potential conclusion but
with the result leading into the next experimental chapter. The discussion was
shorter in each chapter and very specific to the finding but expanded upon in
the final discussion. The final discussion chapter was structured as follows:
what I found, what exp 1 meant, what exp 2 meant, what exp 3 meant, what exp 4
meant and then a final relating this to the initial hypothesis including
potential further work. In each discussion section on the individual
experiments, I included any weaknesses/justifications in the findings, how it
relates to others work, so really putting the findings into context.  Hope this
helps, but probably not explained that well due to a long 13 hr day at work

Everything crossed for Sneaks

Wow, congratulations Dr Sneaks! That is an outstanding achievement so I hope you have been celebrating in style (up)

Passed viva with minor corrections!

It just shows how much of a rollercoaster journey a PhD is. Many don't consider the emotional influence it has too. It is possible to turn around your PhD with motivation, determination and support - forums like this are brilliant!

Well done Dr 5DMk2, you are an inspiration (up) Hope your enjoying some well earned celebrations.

Would you quit if you got an R&R?

I would have an open mind for the viva result at
this stage. The examiners will decide and supervisors have been known to get the
prediction wrong! If it were a revise and resubmit outcome, there will be
considerable work to do but this is not insurmountable. There are forumees on
here that have passed following R&R and some that are progressing through
the corrections now. A pass is a PhD award regardless of the way you got there,
ie minor corrections or R&R. It really depends how much you want to succeed
with your PhD? Some would feel that giving up all of this time for nothing is a
worthless waste and looks poor on your CV. However, the physiological and
emotional distress that can result from studying a PhD shouldn't be undermined
either. If it were me I would have continued as a PhD was my ambition. You need
to decide how you feel about it.

Dr Bond!!

Congratulations Dr Bond!!! I am so pleased your viva went well and minor typos is a fab result. It really does take a while to sink in, so enjoy the celebrations and I hope the hangovers are not too bad :p

How many typos can you get away with?!!

I think I found about 50 typos in a 300 page thesis, I was mortified. Not one of them was mentioned at my viva!

Catalinbond - good luck for tomorrow, hope you get a good nights sleep tonight (up)

PhD Survey

All done, good luck with the research :p

viva question

You can look at it both ways really. If they bring it up and you don't let on that you have the data they may refer you to go back and conduct the work, ie major revisions. If you have done the work then you may have to include paragraphs about it but this may be considered as just minor! I would discuss it if this topic came up and probably discuss some of my findings, but I would also have a justification why I felt that it was not necessary to include. TBH a lot of PhD work will include huge amounts of research that have been done but only the relevant parts for the ultimate direction of the thesis will be included. Just be aware of what supporting data you have and your reasons for editing these areas. Chances are it probably won't come up ;-)

How long to get minor corrections approved

Have pm'd reply.

How long to get minor corrections approved

Pm away Delta! I am happy to help if I can (up)