Anyone have any cold remedies?


I've caught a cold and feel like absolute crap, but I have to write 2000 words by Monday, so I can't just collapse for a couple of days. Does anyone have any recommendations for cold remedies? I'm currently ibuprofened up to the eyeballs, taking cold and flu tablets with paracetemol and decongestant, and inhaling lots of steam. My boyfriend had it first and it lasted about three days but I don't have that kind of time! Please send help :(


Try to drink loads of fluid, best herbal teas (sage is really good) with honey (disinfects and makes it easier to swallow) and hot lemon with honey. Try to get down from some medication as it probably makes you really tiered and just take Paracetamol, drink loads, have a hot bath at night and go straight to bed and sweat the cold out. And try to eat fresh fruit as well as carbohydrates (my Granny always says you have to feed a cold )
Hope you are better soon


Go to bed early, drink lots of water and keep warm - tuck your shirt into your pants if you have to! Hope you feel better soon.


You need to get loads of vitamin C and zinc into you to boost your immune system.. Keep your fluids up and stick with the paracetamol. Get well soon


Chicken - especially if you've got a runny nose. Chicken soup is the best cos it's east to swallow and the heat helps. Apparently something in chicken helps to reduce the swelling in your sinuses.


Thanks guys: I've been having lots of hot fruit tea and healthy food, and I just had a nice long shower. I gave my first conference paper at the weekend, so I think I'm having a bit of a post-stress meltdown now!


A very strong (but more remedy-like) hot toddy
1 Lemon
Double whiskey
Cinnamon stick and Cloves
Lots of honey (organic if possible)
Hot water

Cut the lemon in half, stick the cloves and cinnamon stick in the lemon then squeeze the juice (if you want you can crush the cinnamon and cloves separately into the drink). Put this juice and whiskey in a big mug or glass and top up with hot water. Add as much honey as you want according to your taste. This tastes great even if you hate whiskey

Get well soon.


(and avoid milk for a few days)


Hi alicepalace, sorry about the cold. I just recovered from one myself.
Ok, i'll give you one remedy that works wonders. Though some might view it as gross but believe me, it works. Here is it:

1. Dice some garlic (ok, i've grossed you out already, haven't i? but i shall comtinue)about a spoon full.

2. Chop some ginger. A leveled spoon full.

3. Lime or lemon

4. Honey, if you've got any.

Squeeze the lime or lemon into a mug (three squeezes) and add the rest of the magic formula in. Add hot water to it and let let it be for like 3 minutes. Drink the contents and chew the garlic and ginger in it as well. Do this everyday because after the first day you'll feel so good and not bother to continue and then it comes back because its not all gone.

Try it and let me know how you feel


Hi Alicepalice

although it is "just a cold" there is no specific cure: it is a viral infection and that will take time to get better. So in other words it is your own immune system which will make you better. Now in theory you can imagine that processes in your body work better /quicker if you have the appropriate temp. When you are well 37 C, when ill your body often increases the temp. If you haven't got a temp you should assure that you are warm and comfortable and a such warms baths may be useful.

To avoid getting a secondary bacterial infection on top of the viral one you should assure you get rid of phlegm / discharge. Things like "steaming", "salty water in nose to flush the system" etc. may be useful.

Miracle cures from the chemist, in my opinion, do not exist.

I hope you get better soon


Well today actually went quite well! I got a fair amount of work done and feel quite proud of myself. I tried the garlic, honey and lemon (no ginger in the house unfortunately!) and I'm not sure I would recommend it: maybe the ginger might help take the taste away? But regular hot drinks and painkillers have been good. I'm about to go off to bed with more fruit tea now, and hopefully get a good ten hours of sleep Thanks for all the information and advice!


Rick's right; sleep and look after yourself. The last thing you want is another cold right on top of this one.


chelated zinc tablets work really well!