argh! alarm clock


Dear Alarm Clock,

Please do go off in future, like I asked you to. You have stolen 3 hours of my life,
Thank you,


Dear Chris,
Please remember to set me to the time you want to wake up. Asking me to wake you up is not something I can understand.
Best regards,
Alarm clock


Dear Alarm Clock,

Before I rip the plug from the wall socket, swing you around my head with the power cable and then spoil your LCD screen with a compass or other sharp implement....let this be known:


I DID SET YOU, FOR SEVEN AM, WHY DIDN'T YOU GO OFF! If I sleep through you, it is your duty to wake me up using all means neccesary!


3 extra hours asleep? Lovely, what a kind, considerate clock!


I had pushed the boat out trying to stay up and finish reading a book cover to cover (I was 60 pages off)...but was too tried at 3am. So I set the alarm to wake me intending to finish by 10ish.... and ended up finishing the book this afternoon.

Still, I did probably need the sleep


Dear mobile phone. I don't mind when you wake me up in the middle of the night with texts from eligible blokes, but please do not wake me up in the mornings even if I have pre-programmed you to do this. It is not big and it is not clever. Please also dont let me make phone calls/ send texts to people I shouldnt after too many beers.
Yours hopefully


I wish I got text messages in the middle of the night from eligible blokes! :-$


I wish I got text messages in the middle of the night from eligible blokes!


Well it doesnt happen as often as it should i must admit! And usually its from bloke friends who just want to be friends!