Fancy Dress ideas


I've got a fancy dress party coming up & I need some inspiration. My minds gone blank.
I don't want to go to the expense /hassle of hiring a costume - so ideally something that can be easily found /made.

Last time I went to a fancy dress I went as Daphne from scooby doo, but I gave the purple dress to a charity shop yonks ago. I also went to one with my best mate and we dressed up as Oasis -v.funny as we are both girlie girls. We looked very wierd with huge drawn on shaggy eye brows.


does it not have a theme?


What about a plate of peas


Or just as one big single pea


very creative


Originality has always been one of my strong points


unless you would like to go with coastman's healthy-food theme, you can try the medieval look. So easy to mix & match, and cheap to create. An old long dress, old net curtains, and/or sateen bed covers you can get from the charity shop would be enough.


Thank you for your suggestions. Dressing up as a pea is certainly one option coastman -thank you .

Maybe I will go for the wench look 404- I was thinking of getting handy with some sheets and making a toga type thing and going as cleopatra. My bf suggested wonder woman & although I can proudly get into a pair of hot pants I think there is something intrinsically wrong about a 31 year old wearing them.


you are allowed to wear wonder woman hotpants until the age of 35. That's in the constitution


And Wonder Woman is definately a more flattering choice than a big squishy green blob.


ok pea, it looks like you are going as wonder woman. Done.


Anything goes at a fancy dress party Pea, don't give up on the short shorts cos of age! (And 31 is young enough anyway!!! Kylie was 32 when she did the 'Spinning Around' video with the famous gold hotpants!)


I agree with Ann, pea.

I celebrate my 31st birthday next week and if I could still wear hot pants, I would...and twice on Sundays. Go as Wonder Woman for all the 31 year old women in the world who can't!


I once went in pink pyjamas and took a teddy with me.


OK, thanks for the ideas and encouragement with the hotpants everyone.
Special Hello to Piglet as well - hope all is well & you're nearing the end.

Today I discovered the most hideous blue checked Burberry handbag in my Mum's wardrobe , which she assures me is very very very old, pre-all saints, pre- cherie blair & pre chav & she claims she can never remember purchasing such a thing.

However, I have been most inspired & I am going to seek the finest velour track suit type get up £10 will buy me.