If the world was ending?


if the world was ending, in an hour's time, there was nothing anyone could do to stop, what would be the best thing to do with the last hour of life on earth


Finish up that crucial presentation for tomorrow.


Good one! I think I need more information before I commit though. HOW is the world ending, Yamato?


I would book a place for coastman's presentation. It sounds like a very important one.


ah, lets say everything is going to vanish into nothing


This is really predictable, but I would tell the people closest to me I love them. Boring, but I think most of us would do it if we were honest.

Then I would call my high school boyfriend and tell him that although I have not seen him in 13 years, I still think of him and remember how much fun I had kissing him in his parents garage! Tee hee.


You've still got his number Piglet?


(Sometimes when I press 'enter' it posts - I wasn't finished!)

I think I'd probably eat crisps and not feel guilty, wash them down with vodka and say my prayers very sincerely.

What's your plan, Yamato?


No, but I could get it if I wanted to contact him - his parents still live in the same house (with the garage!). He was hot and sweet - a rare combination.


Not as rare as you might think


Tee hee.

Funny thing happened to me yesterday, Coastman. Was waiting in a cafe for a coffee and this tall, handsome, but slightly science-geek guy was standing next to me...and I thought 'I wonder if that is what Coastman looks like'! Don't worry, I don't think about you all the time and I am not a crazy stalker woman, but that thought just popped into my head when I saw this good-looking, but bookish fellow.


ah, personally, I would spend the remaining time contemplating human absurdity, probably


I doubt you would, actually.


ah, well, alright, it would be either that, or panic and spend the rest of my time wondering about what I was going to do. I would like to say I would try and make some lasting contribution the the trouble is whatever you did would sort of worthless.


Thanks Piglet, that's very nice of you to say so. You have a very wrong impression of me however!