Interview presentation: big deal!

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Hi all, I hope you can help me out here, I have an interview for a permanent academic post - yes I do realise this is a once in a decade, possibly lifetime, opportunity, and thus, I am nervous as anything and think about little else.

Anyhow, I have to give a ten minute presentation about my career, especially my teaching and research. Do you think I should use a powerpoint presentation, ie show some images? Or do you think just talking would be best?

I, mistakenly, thought I would have to give a sample lecture, for which I prepared, including a powerpoint! But that's not the case, so now I'm all confused, I've never given a presentation about myself before so hhhmmm, what's the ettiquette? Anyone out there know?

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Personally I would prefer to have a powerpoint there for back up - i.e. if you lose it, having something there to refer to is great and keeps you from waffling.

If it were me, I would probably try and make it quite humourous i.e. chuck in a few photos of your graduation party or something, but it really does depend on your audience - it could either make you very memorable or make you seem like you're not taking the role seriously.

Or you could do a power point that was one slide with a long animation of a career timeline, so every time you click the mouse a new thing comes up on your career timeline that you can talk around

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like this

Maybe not as graphicy! and you would need more info e.g. what your jobs were, what skills you had etc.


I read the title like it was intended sarcastically - it's so, like, big deal!

I kinda think showing a powerpoint presentation on your life would be kinda weird, but doing one and printing it out for your own notes may help you organise your thoughts.

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Yeah, I can see how the title could be read that way! But I meant it genuinely, it really is a massive deal..

Thanks for the thoughts so far Sneaks and Slizor, am still pondering.


Yes, I think you should use Powerpoint. You can keep it very simple and use symbols and pictures to represent your interests in research, teaching and about yourself, clicking the slides effortlessly as you talk away. That's just me though and what I'd do.

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I guess they may be assessing you on teaching/presentation skills at the same time, rather than just being interested. If you've had to go to those higher education teaching things, they really go on about different types of learning i.e. some students learn by watching vids, some through group work etc etc. If you just talk, they might worry that you'll not have a wide range of teaching techniques - if that makes sense!


aha! I went to a uni seminar thingy on this a few weeks ago, I'll scan the sheets we got and PM them to you if it's possible. We were advised to give a powerpoint presentation, but a short one, not full of info. Plenty of pictures or images, things to talk about rather than reading text off the screen, all the usual stuff.
Apparently recruiters are looking for evidence of the ability to prepare consise, structured and relevent information, so make sure you dont go off topic or ramble on about any experience that's not directly relevent to the job; effective communication skills obviously, and the ability to perform under pressure. Especially if you get the type who just sit there looking so bored they'd rather eat their arm off, don't be fooled, it's all an act!!
Understand what you want to achieve, who you are speaking to, what exactly you need/want to communicate and how you can best convey this. Try and seem entusiastic about your topic, it's infectious and will make them enthusiastic about you.

Mostly that kind of stuff, just relax and you'll be fine. If you've got an interview they obviously liked your CV or application form, you've got the basic criteria, so they want to see what you can really do, in action. I think it's also possible to phone the department office or the contact person to check what kind of info they want in the presentation, i.e is it about you and yourself, or your topic? Also, finally bring some back up sheets and hand them out, that way it will be easier for them to remember you and they'll think you are super organised. And if the computer or projector break down, you;ll still have visual aids for your talk.

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Wow, thanks algaequeen, fab advice. It would be great to see the sheets too, I can send you my email address if that helps?


Hi there! That should be ok, I'm not so sure attachments are possible with the PM! If you send your address I'll send them on today if I can get the scanner working!!