Playing with Robots (Over 18s Only)


Hi All,

Hopefully the title caught your attention. I am currently finishing off my M.Sc. in Computer Science, before starting my Ph.D. in a couple of months in Robotics.

The intended focus of the Ph.D. will be a study on the trust / trustworthiness of an artificial intelligence (BuddyLite) that I'm developing to be used in a range of robots. The first step towards doing that, however, will be to build up a nice, big dataset of responses to playing with the intelligence on a smartphone.

I am currently awaiting confirmation of ethical approval before commencing the study, but hopeful that this will come through in the next week or so.

If you'd be interested in taking part (ten minutes to load and play the games on an Android device, and about fifteen to twenty minutes to complete a survey), I would be really grateful if you could send me a P.M. As and when the study begins, I'll then be delighted to send you a copy of the Android App and a link to the questionnaire for completion.

The entire study is completely anonymous; however, anyone who has asked for a copy of the software will (if they like) be kept on a list of interested parties for invitations to take part in future experiments with the intelligence embedded in a number of robots.

Thanks :)