Random Nose Bleeds: what might be a cause?!


Someone suggested pregnancy, which scared the BeJesus out of me...!


I would be very worried if that happened to me.


Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration can cause nosebleeds.

Have you recently moved into a city? When I moved to london for my undergrad i used to get noseblleds all the time because I wasnt used to the poor air quality.

High blood pressure can be a cause as can sneezing, blowing your nose too hard and infections.

Are you on any medication? Drugs like asprin that thin the blood can be a cause too.


Hmmm, I have moved to London fairly recently, but that was from Birmingham, which isn't renowned for its sea-breezes. So not sure, I guess the pregnancy theory comes from high blood pressure then.


Stop picking your nose too


Bobby go to the doctor - promise. It is probably absolutely nothing, but nose bleeds can be an indication / early warning of some more serious medical conditions.
I do not want to panic you or any one else - but just go & have a check up.


It's only indicator of serious conditions if it's always coming out of both holes, so don't worry too much.

can also be the heater or dry air.


Cool there you go -I hope my comment didn't cause any undue panic.
I didn't want to be an alarmist but - it's just I have a family member who was quite poorly and one of the intial symptoms of his condition was nose bleeds, but as ULUG (artist formally known as mister G?) says not to worry unless it's coming out of both holes (?!)


I use to get them when I was really stressed...still do some times, you have my sympathy, horrible when you have to rush to the tissue box


I'm not a doctor obviously, so if it doesn't go away in a couple of weeks even if you don't overheat your premises and open the window from time to time and take regular walks outside, then it might be useful, as the others have suggested, to check with a real doctor.

All I'm saying is: don't panic too much about it, had a similar problem five years ago and after two months it just disappeared and never returned - it was also in November/December.


I saw the Random Nose Bleeds the other week. They played our SU. "What Might Be The Cause?" brought the house down.


Stress can cause nosebleeds, but if it keeps happening you should go to your doctor


I used to get nose bleeds all the time for no reason. Often it's because of a cut in your nose that doesn't heal properlyor problem with your blood vessels (high blood pressure etc) You can get your nose cortirised (?) which will seal the vessels and stop the bleeding.


I've heard that lots of people get random nose bleeds, so it's probably nothing to worry about. But still worth checking out with the doc