Writing an article


Hello everyone.. how is the work going!!.
I am trying to write an article, but i am wondering if it is okay to have a very big table take up a whole page. When looking at other articles, they all seem to have a table showing what formulation they have used, but in my case i have used more than one formulation, in which case i will have to create one big table if i want it to fit on one page. What is everyone's advice or thoughts?

Thanks a bunch


Hi there. If that's only 1 page that's ok, I think. In my research field, some articles contain a few pages of tables.
In my case, I have a very large table. I have decided to submit the table in excel format (check if that's possible). That is, the table will be a supplementary material to my paper. For my PhD thesis, however, I would like to print it out, so I managed to split it in 2 with some information being repetitive. It will be several A3 pages long.