4 months in - thinking about quitting


Hi. I started a phd in April, funded jointly by the university and a consumer goods organisation. The phd was organised after an internship with the company, and I was told that I would have input into what was involved. Having started the phd, it is not what I was expecting, and I can see that it is going to lead to knowledge in a very specific and quite abstract area. I want to work in business after the phd, not academia, and I just don't think that I will be getting the experience I need. I thought that by working with a large business I would naturally be learning business tools, but I guess I was a bit naive about how specific the phd would be. I have found a Masters that I am considering applying to do, part time so that I could fund it. It is much more relevant to the area that I would like to work in, and the course content really excites me. However, I am worried that I might be making a big mistake by jumping ship so early. I spent almost a year doing work placements, paid and often unpaid, between when I finished my internship and getting offered the phd, so I was over the moon when they got in touch with me. I feel a bit guilty about leaving them in the lurch. But part of me thinks it might be good for them too - as it will be quite easy for someone with a genuine interest in this area to catch up and take over, and probably do a hell of a better job of it than I will!!I also think I might be a bit of an idiot for throwing away a paid phd to start paying for a masters...I think if I get out now, I won't have lost out on too much. Obviously I wouldn't leave unless I had secured a place on the masters course. I just need to hear some other people's thoughts to help me feel a bit more at ease...Thanks!


Hi CSNOW, sorry to hear that your PhD doesn't seem to suit you too well. My first instinct when I read your title was to say to stick with it a bit longer. It is really common to feel like quitting at about the 4-8 month mark. This is a period when people are often feeling disillusioned with how narrow their topic is, their lack of progress, feeling like they're not capable, etc.

Having read through the rest of your post though, I think you have very different reasons for wanting to quit. If the PhD doesn't fit in at all with where you want your career to go then I think it is probably best to try to pursue an avenue which will be more useful to you. It could be very frustrating to spend 3-4 years working on a PhD and then feel like you have to go back to the drawing board to pursue the career you want. In addition, without motivation, I think it would be very difficult to complete a PhD.

There are just a couple of things I would say, though. Firstly, you should discuss this with the company and the university. Explain your concerns. It may be the case that the company might find you more employable in a range of departments/roles if you complete the PhD. Secondly, if you really are certain that this PhD is taking you in the wrong direction I would ensure that you are accepted to the Masters and have a definite means of funding yourself before you quit. I'm a bit 'belt and braces', but in my opinion it would be a big risk to quit a paid position if you don't have anything lined up to move into. After all, a PhD in something you're not that interested in is better than nothing!


Thanks for your response Hildagarde. I think you're right with the making sure I have something else lined up thing - I don't think I could afford to quit it for nothing right now!! I decided to go ahead and apply for the course, I can always turn it down if I decide I can't afford it. I have been looking into career development loans, and I think that is the only way I could do it. It will be a real annoyance to go from a paid PhD to having to pay for a Masters...but I am struggling to motivate myself to do anything to do with my PhD at the minute so I think I definitely need to make a change. I have mentioned it to some friends and family - and nobody has been overly shocked that I am considering it, apparently everyone knew I wasn't too happy!! I am going to take your advice and talk to the uni and company before I make any big decisions though. I will wait until I hear about the course and then sit down with them. Thanks for your wise words!!