Another interview question!


Hi, as I posted before, I've got an interview coming up for my ideal phd place. The project is exactly what i'm looking for but is being supervised by a professor seems to have quite diverse reseach interests and the division in which the phd is offered is not really where my background lies. I'm totally prepared for the interview with the supervisor and have good background knowledge of his recent work relating to the project, however my problem is with the other supervisors in the division. I've to have a 40min interview with 6 other supervisors within the division but i really dont know their background or much detail about what they are working on (i have looked at their webpages but i dont know much about the area) - are they likely to ask me questions about their research? I want to be fully prepared but I am confused about what to prepare for these other interviews, is it likely that they will ask more general questions as its not their project ive applied to?
Sorry it's so long, and thanks for any advice!