Approaching Potential Supervisors



I'm looking in to doing a PhD, I finished my MSc last year and spent a lot of time since then developing a topic of study. I have already written a proposal that I believe to be pretty solid and would like to approach potential supervisors.

I was just wondering what you guys would advise to be the best way of doing this? What are the courtesies of a first contact email? Should I straight away attach my proposal to the email, or just provide a brief summary of my ideas?

Any help would be much appreciated



Dear Ash

I think you should describe your educational background and provide a brief summary of your proposal in email. I think that is the best thing you can do in your first contact. Then in your email, you can mention that " I can provide the details". I hope its of worth.

Good Luck.


Cheers buddy, most helpful


Hi Ash

I don't think I would actually attach something as attachments can make people click off an email. I would sketch the bare bones of your proposal into the body of the email, stating that you have 'x' idea, am thinking of approaching this way and was wondering if this prof. would be interested in talking to you in more detail about it. If you don't know the person you are writing you could give a BRIEF summary of your MSc project and then say how you see your PhD extending this, if at all. If you do know them, it's probably enough to remind him/her (in a line or two) of your MSc topic.

Good luck :-)