Can you do a PhD at a different university to your MPhil?


I'm considering doing an MPhil at Sussex, with a view to going to a PhD - but because I will not be able to self-fund a PhD, where I do it will depend on what scholarships/support is around (which may not be possible at Sussex). Can you take your Mphil outline from one Uni and pursue the full PhD at another one if necessary? Does an MPhil 'stand-alone' as an academic achievement?
No-one seems to me be able to give me a simple answer to this one! Any advice would be so much appreciated,


It can stand alone bit there are two reasons I would want to continue at the same institution: a) if you continue with the same research project you can possibly do the PhD in 2 rather than 3 years and b) it is common practice to stay on with a supervisor from your MPhil who you already know, warts and all, and who already likes you project area. it is a very standard way of ingratiating yourself with a suitable supervisor who comes to know and love you rather than emailing and having a brie meeting with a new one.


hey - thanks for this. Really appreciate your response. Yes, it is definitely my hope to stay on. But the department is small so I just wanted to make sure there would be an option to take the full PhD elsewhere if scholarships weren't possible there, and were available at other institutions (I would really struggle to self-fund). So you are saying that this is 'allowed' even if it's not ideal, right? (as in, other supervisors would be interested even if they haven't supervised the mphil?)


Yes, but you may find that they are reluctant to take the exact same project. You would have to find a very good match. But in theory, it should be possible.


thanks dood!