Chances to get a PhD with these marks


Hi all!

I'm a MSc student of Ecology, doing my master's thesis abroad, and I was thinking to apply for a PhD but I have some questions. Which is the minimum grade you need to get a PhD and to get funds?

I have a 6,5/10 (it's like 2.2 in UK system I think) in my BSc and I'm going to achieve 8,5-9/10 in my Master. It's going to be difficult? Which are the odds? I'm looking for a PhD not only in UK, but specially in Germany (Although I'm open to other countries).

Another issue is, do you recommend me to apply for more than one PhD position at the same time? Of course, I'll talk with the research group where I'm right now, but just in case.

Thank you very much in advance :-)


hi borinot
Welcome to the forum! I'll try to answer your questions.
For a minimum grade for PhD, for some projects, an exceptional First Degree is sufficient. Because then you go through progression, get credit at MPhil level, and finish the PhD.
Some phds require a masters qualification.

It also depends on the type of phd and what skills/knowledge that is needed for that phd.

To get funds, you can look for scholarships or funding, again depending on the phd, which institution, which country etc.

Your question, what is going to be difficult? is it the odds for looking for a phd not only in UK but in Germany as well? if that is the question, no it is not difficult.

The PHD is out there waiting for you :-) If you sit around and wait for it to come, nothing will happen. Please do keep looking.

Yes, I recommend applying for more than one phd position, if you have time to sit and write your applications, please do so.

best of luck
love satchi



I gained a 2:1 (a very low 2:1!!), which is the standard grade which is asked for in UK universities. Some require more "exceptional" marks though, depending on the university and the funders.

If you are concerned about whether you will have enough to stand out from the crowd, I'd recommend getting some work experience as well. I was told several times by university professors that I would HAVE to gain a masters before even being considered for interview for a PhD. However, with some work experience in the bag, I was made more employable.

I wouldn't advise on mass applying to lots of PhD's. The best advice I could give is to check the PhD advert websites every day (little and often!), therefore you won't get overwhelmed by all of the postings! Be patient as well - I wasn't interviewed for some applications, came a close second in one interview, then got my current PhD!

Good luck,

JD x



I'm currently in the final year of my PhD and in my experience your grades aren't as important as your enthusiasm and how you do at your interview.

I did not do a Masters but instead went straight into my PhD after getting a 2:1 in my degree. At the interview I was asked why I thought I was able to do a PhD and my enthusiasm for the subject, and the fact that I'd obtained good grades in the modules related to the PhD were enough.

The same applies in most situations but I'd say not to worry too much about your BSc grade and just focus on doing well in your Masters. It's usually your latest (or highest) qualification that counts, not what you did before that.