Just a quick question.
As I am ready to submit and I am panicking, I was wondering where to mention the papers I presenetd at various conferences. Should I do it at the beginning of the thesis, maybe before the abstract, as material produced by the reserach? Or should I include them in my text like any other references and mention them in the reference list?
My university does not have any specific rules.
Thank you!
I listed conference papers (and posters) together with publications at the beginning of the thesis, after abstract, acknowledgements, list of tables & figures. I think that was the format suggested by my university.
How exciting to be ready to submit. :)
I just listed publications (all one of them) as Moonblue described and then attached then as an appendix at the end. There were no guidelines for this at my uni.
Thank you both!
It is very exciting to be ready to submit but it also drives me crazy! I am based in Greece and with the capital control and the current financial situation I have problems with having my thesis printed. Moreover, I have a full-time job that requires my presence at the office everyday, so I am trying to tie up the lose ends at my limited free time....
The good thing is that I am very stubborn and I WILL MANAGE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
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