Declining an offer - how?



I was wondering whether someone could give me some advice.

I was accepted onto a research council funded PhD in late spring. I accepted this PhD formally by e-mail. However, after a lot of thinking I've decided that I don't want to do the PhD. Thus, can I still redeem my decision or will I get into some kind of trouble because I've already accepted and now want to decline? Do I e-mail my prospective supervisor and tell him my decision?

I know my decision is probably late given that I should start next month and unfair to my prospective supervisor, and I know that I'll probably regret my decision, but I just don't cannot seem to do a PhD at the moment.

I'd be grateful for your advice!




I am inclined to copy and paste the email I sent to a US uni, early July last year, for a PhD scheduled to start in August i think, saying I need to reject their highest university fellowship. And hang on, this after having flown from London to Chicago the week before that to meet each prof individually and get treated to lunch etc, and having stayed at one of the phd student's pads..

Nothing could have been worse than that. I declined 100K USD for 4 yrs, and as I said, declined after their lovely hospitality just a week ago.

Nevertheless, you must do as you decide. In my case they (in the US) knew I was having second thoughts as my supervisor of choice was in my London uni, and my second sup of choice who used to be at the US uni had left and left amidst bad blood I heard, and would in no way be involved with that Uni again. So really it made no sense any more... they knew that, deep down, and even not so deep down, but still saying No, a month before starting made me squirm.

Two people replied with curt emails saying thanks for letting us know and good luck. two others never replied.

I suggest that you be prepared for irritation, even if not expressed. Write a breif, non rambling email (up to you whether you rpefer to use the phone after asking for an appt via email, or whether you want to meet and do it, or email.... depends on your contact prior to this)...

also, how much time has already been invested on you? In designing the proposal etc? The lesser, the easier I should think... Be breif, have to the point reasons ready at your fingertips, and be prepared to feel uneasy. I have been there, and done that.