Distance PHD in English


I want to do a PHD in Management Information Systems in France but I would really need to write it in English. Does anyone know if I have to write it in French if I register with a French university? The British ones seem really expensive.
Also, do you think I would qualify for a grant from the UK. I am a British expat?
Thanks in advance.


Do you have a DEA? If not it's going to be mission impossible.


Strangley thats not entirely the case Mia. The French, Dutch and Italians are becoming increasingly open the 'English' PhD's. I may be wrong re the DEA [see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEA_(former_French_degree)]. It 'was' obligatory - not entirely sure now. If anyone has any further info re what has replaced the DEA, I'd be interested.


A friend of mine at Lancaster was telling me that continental European Uni's after a slow start are now getting in on the game of offering Masters and PhD degrees in English. Apparently it’s hitting trade a bit hard. I find the Dutch and Germans very good regarding English.


You can write your thesis in english if you want to at most german universities. As most of the recent literature is in english it wouldn't present a problem to find examiners for your thesis.A greek friend of mine went to work in a Paris lab for her first postdoc where the lab head decided that they would have all lab meetings and journal clubs in english.
Last week I was reading a dutch thesis for inpiration- also written in english, exept for the declaration, cv and acknowledgements (with were in both languages).


I don't have a DEA but I do have a Mastère spécialisé from a French school which should be equivalent to a Master's but with more of an orientation towards business rather than research. Thanks for the information.
I will try to find a British or American professor working in a French university to direct my thesis and possibly find away for me to jump straight to PHD without passing through a DEA research (now Master2 recherche in France).

The alternative I suppose is finding a US company or university with an interest in my research topic to fund and direct me. Thanks again


I think what you intend will be very difficult [the French can be bureaucratic and not that amenable to circumventing it for the individual I have found] but if you do have success could you post here phdlicious as people [me for one] will be interested.


This may be helpful:


Boyd. STOP posting bullsh*t links. They have NOTHING to do with the question. MUPPET.


Seconded. Pack it in!